Horten HoIVa
for FS2004

If the aircraft is to be flown in FS2004 replace the panel
CFG file with this one and put the GAU file in the gauges folder.It adds an audio vario to the minipanel(W)
The round red button on the vario is on/off/volume, while the upper switch toggles audio on up only and audio on up and down.

The following lines must be part of the fs9.cfg file (it's in the main fs9 folder)


Open the fs9.cfg file with Wordpad and check - if they are not there (from a previous add-on) add these lines and save or you wan't be able to hear the audio-vario and you'll get an error message when starting up the sim. The location of the FS9.cfg file will vary depending on your Windows version, so it might be best to do a search for it .

In the MODULES folder of the FS there must be the following files


If you don't have these files,I have included them in the folder marked "dll files"

Thanks to Max Roodveldt for the kind use of his vario


If you want to use the auto launch system replace the aircraft.cfg and HortenIV.air files with the ones in this folder.
To operate press Ctrl+E ,(Be patient ,it takes about 20 seconds to "take up slack") .Height of launch can be altered by adjusting the fuel load .

To improve your enjoyment of this aircraft and other gliders in FS2004 , CCS2004 a thermal and ridge lift generator, is available as a free download from....http://www.virtualsoaring.org

Happy flying

Dave R

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or constructive criticisms at.....
